Beatriz Sánchez Guitián

Beatriz Sánchez Guitián


Former CSR Manager, Founder and board member

Former CSR Manager, and founder and board member of DIRSE (Spanish Association of CSR executives), Beatriz is an economist and MBA in ISTAO (Istituto Adriano Olivetti). She has developed her professional career at technology companies in the field CSR and intangibles management in Indra, Ernst &Young, Microsoft y Accenture.
In Indra she was the Global Head of CSR and Brand for 10 years.
She is founder and board member of DIRSE (Spanish Association of CSR Executives), Vice President of EJE&CON (Association of Executives & Councilors of Spain) and CSR professor in ESIC Business School. She was CEO at Welever, technological platform for the promotion of social action and volunteering.

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2 ottobre 2018